NASPA Greater Accra Congress


                Executives of NASPA Kpone-Katamanso and their District Manager at the congress

The National Service Personnel Association of Greater Accra organised its for congress for the 2020/2021 service year on Monday, March 22, 2021 at the Catholic Institute of Business & Technology (CIBT), Accra.

The the double-packed event was a symposium themed "Overcoming Job Challenges in the Face of COVID-19" which was the first part of the programme, followed by the Association's congress which led to the deliberation of issue affect service personnel.

 The guest speaker for the symposium informed service personnel present on various tips can adopt to enable them secure a job after service. Service personnel were advised not rely on certificates alone but find ways and means to acquire new skills to make competitive in the labour market. Service personnel were asked encouraged to start their business or join the Nation Builders' Corps (NABCO) in situations where they are unable to find employment. 

The Greater Accra Regional Director of the National Service Secretariat, Madam Anastasia Zanoo tasked NASPA executives from various districts to relay the information acquired to their members. The Director also emphasized the one of the importance of national service is to allow graduates to know their country better in order to make them contribute meaningfully to development, therefore service person should accept postings and serve at locations they have been placed.

 Regional NASPA Congress

"Selected committee members included Ms. Jennifer Mateko Angmor (Vice President, Kpone-Katamanso) and Ms. Thelma Anike Naah (Women's Commissioner, Kpone-Katamanso) who were both appointed into the Disciplinary Committee and Women's Affairs Committee respectively." 

The congress began with a roll call of districts followed by presentation of reports, and outdooring and election of committee members. Selected committee members included Ms. Jennifer Mateko Angmor (Vice President, Kpone-Katamanso) and Ms. Thelma Anike Naah (Women's Commissioner, Kpone-Katamanso) who were both appointed into the Disciplinary Committee and Women's Affairs Committee respectively. Committee members were sworn-in by Regional Vice President King Karl Ashigbe. The Regional President, Yusif Khairu-Umar outlined proposed programmes to be implemented at the regional level. This includes the NASPRENEUR which will organise tutoring programmes to provide service personnel in the region with skills to make them more competitive and launch their own establishment. The president also talked of the regional Mentorship programme a similar programme which will be supervised the the Women's Commission. H.E. Khairu-Umar also talked about a planned trip to the north for NSPs in the region. 

The congress also discussed the establishment of a regional welfare policy. However, the congress were unable to make final decisions on its management. The congress was adjourned and executives were asked to engage their members in discussions ahead of the next meeting.



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